

Real Estate News

Relocation Tips for Stress-Free Moves

If you’re on the go like many of our clients, relocation is par for the course. Jobs, life, kids and relationships all demand that we get better at adapting than staying still. So how can you make those necessary moves less stressful? We’ve put together a list of handy tips that will keep you moving and upbeat instead of trapped beneath the burden of picking up and setting it all back down again.

Be clear on your relocation benefits. If your company is helping you make the move, don’t hesitate to sit down and ask all the questions you want about your relocation package. Having everything from per diem to temporary housing and auto transport spelled out in advance will keep you and your family from having to worry about unexpected surprises on the road to your new home.

Don’t be afraid to negotiate. If you need additional things that aren’t included in the relocation package you’re initially offered, you’ll never get if you don’t ask!

Know your movers. If you’re picking up any of the costs for the moving service, be sure to inquire about packing methods, time it will take them to pack and how they measure weight/freight charges. Estimates are rarely accurate and be sure to get quotes from multiple providers if you’re footing the bill. Understand your insurance options as well – in many cases, it’s more financially sound to sell certain items than pay to move them due to their weight, cost and the insurance you would need to pay for to cover them during transit.

Know before you go – that’s the best advice we can leave you with! We hope to see you out and about town and be sure to see what’s on tap here in the San Juans on our local events calendar. Lots to do and great weather to do it in!

The Staff at San Juan Realty, Inc.



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